Friday, April 14, 2006

Volume 1 Goes Public

After many late nights, 14 songs are included in Volume 1. So far, about 15 of you (who, I think, hopefully, has the minimum standard of musical knowledge) have received a CD of Volume 1. Thanks Fiona for the idea a few years ago.

Each consecutive songs have a connection - musical or non-musical. There is also a connection between Songs 14 and 1.

Please send in your guess(es) to me (home email) when you think you have an answer, but before I post the answer. No internet cheating. I'll keep score.

The first connection between Songs 1 & 2 , which is the easiest, will be revealed in a few days. Then, every few days, I will post an answer to the connection that has received the most number of correct guesses.

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